10 Things You Need to Do to Prepare for Your Move

15 Oct 10 Things You Need to Do to Prepare for Your Move

two people on the floor with boxes around themEvery so often you might find yourself having to move house in order to take up a new job opportunity, be closer to family, go to school or simply experience life elsewhere. Moving can be a difficult or simple exercise depending on the steps you take to prepare for your move beforehand. Whether you are moving for the first or twentieth time, the following ten activities should help you prepare well in order to ensure that your move goes off seamlessly and you avoid the common disasters associated with moving.

1.Choose the right movers
Choosing the right moving company is essential to ensuring that your items are handled carefully and delivered to your new address without any risk of loss or damage.

2. Start packing in advance
Avoid having to rush at the last minute by starting to pack early. This way you can determine how many boxes and other packing materials you need in order to ensure that everything is ready when the moving day arrives.

3. Pay off outstanding utility bills
Ensure that you clear any outstanding water, electricity and other utility bills before you move. This is especially important if you have a security deposit that you need to claim from your landlord.

4. Get your utilities switched off
Once you have cleared outstanding bills, call the relevant companies to get utilities switched off to avoid any more bills from accruing after you have moved.

5. Protect floors
Ensure that you have protection for floors in both your old and new house to avoid damage from furniture and other objects that are being moved around.

6. Arrange for a cleaner to come in
Contract the services of a cleaner to clean both houses in order to prepare one for moving in and ensure that the one you are leaving is left in pristine condition.

7. Put together tools for unpacking
You will need to put tools such as spanners, pliers and others needed for unpacking and assembling beds and other furniture aside to ensure easy assembly once you get to the new house.

8. Organize activities for children and pets
Plan activities for children and pets to do on the moving day in order to get them out of the movers’ way. If possible, find someone to do some child and pet sitting while you move to your new house.

9. Pack a necessities box
Chances are that you will not manage to unpack everything on your first day in the new house. You should therefore have a box with a few essentials such as clothing, toiletries and other necessary items to use during the first few after your move.

10. Inform friends and family
Be sure to let your friends and family know that you are moving and provide them with the updated addresses and other contact information.

Moving to a new house need not be a difficult undertaking. If you take time to prepare well beforehand, you should be able to move quickly, easily and with the minimum of hassle.

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